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Friday, October 2, 2020

Into the wild 5

Extract No 5

( Lines," Saya........the world)

 Read the Extract and answer the activities that follow.

A1. Mind map : (02)

Complete the mind map by writing down what Nature teaches us

This is a practice Activity for


Saya, Scarface and Pardus, the leopard that lost to Scarface, have also led Shaaz down a different path of discovery. Learning about them and the loss to their habitat has led Shaaz to create the Buffer Conflict Resolution Trust of India (BCRTI). It’s an agency that educates villagers who live on the fringe of the forest on the importance of conservation. “We are in the heart of the man-animal conflict zone,” explains Shaaz. “There is no specifc buffer zone here around Nagarhole. The core area of the forest ends where the fields begin. In dry season elephant and wild boar incursions into fields are very common. Older leopards, like Pardus, who have lost territory in the forest often carry away livestock from villages.” This creates resentment among locals towards the animals on occasions leading to unpleasant situations.

Putting tourist currency to good use, under the BCRTI umbrella, Shaaz provides locals with vocational training, with the aim of educating locals on the merits of conservation and to help them benefit from tourist currency. The visitors at the resort are welcome to volunteer to teach a skills training class of their choice. The acquired skills enable locals to find employment with any of the numerous wildlife resorts in the region, if not in a faraway city.

Madegowda is one such local agriculturist who is trained at BCRTI and is now a certified naturalist employed by ‘The Bison’. “In the past, I’ve lost almost 80 percent of a season’s yield of sugarcane to such animal attacks. I used to hate them. But now I’ve learnt how important these animals are and the value of protecting them,” he says. “I have known these jungles for 35 years. I know where the animals are and I realise I can guide visitors and get paid for it. In a way, the animals are paying me back.”

“The forests have taught me many things. For instance, listening is a sense far more important than sight. You have to switch off your vehicle, sit and listen, for the forest is constantly communicating– through the voices of birds and animals,” he explains. “Tracking an animal also teaches you life lessons. The black panther has taught me patience. But, above all, it has taught me to never stop discovering. There are just so many amazing experiences to learn and share with the world.”

A1. Summarise : (02)

Select two most appropriate statements that summarise the extract.

a) Conservation of wild animals is the key.

b) The extract is a humorous description of forest.

c) We can learn patience, listening, caring, discovering from wild life

d) In Man- animal conflict, man is the winner.

A2. Find out : (02)

Find out the expressions that show that we can learn many things from the forests.

1.  The forests have taught me many things.   2.  Listening is a sense of far more important than sight.  3.  You need to switch off your vehicle, sit and listen for the forest is constantly communicating.  4.  Through the voices of birds and animals.  5.  Tracking of animal also teaches you life lessons.  6.  The Black Panther has taught me patience.  7.  It has taught me to never stop discovering.

A3. Give reasons : (02)

Madegowda says,” The animals are paying me back’.................,..................... the reason behind this statement is In the past, he used to loose almost 90 per cent of a season’s yield of sugarcane to such animal attacks. He used to hate the animals. Now he has learnt that animals are very important and the value of protecting them. He has known the jungle for 35 years. He knows it very well where the animals are and he can guide visitors and get paid for it.

A4. Personal Response :.  (02)

“Trees are the saviours of mankind,”

 Do you agree with the statement justify your answer with suitable examples.

A5. Language study : (02)

a) There is no specific buffer zone here around Nagarhole.( Frame a Rhetorical question)

Is there any specific buffer zone here round Nagarhole?

b) The acquired skills enable locals to find employment with any of the numerous wildlife resorts in the region.

(Rewrite the sentence using the ,’ Gerund form’ of the underlined word)

The acquired skills enable locals in finding employment with any of the numerous wildlife resorts.

c) I used to hate them. ( Rewrite using, “would”)

I would hate them.

d) I have learnt how important these animals are.

( Rewrite the sentence using, Present perfect continuous tense)

I have been learning how important these animals are.

e) I realise I can guide visitors. 

(Replace the modal auxiliary by another showing,” Possibility’)

I realise I may/might guide visitors.

f) You have to switch off your vehicle.

(Replace the auxiliary by another showing ,” Obligation/compulsion)

You must / ought to switch off your vehicle.

g) Animals are paying me back. (Rewrite the sentence beginning with, “I”)

I am being paid back by animals.

h) Tracking an animal also teaches you life lessons. 

(Begin the sentence with,” Life lessons..”)

Life lessons are taught to you by tracking an animal.

i) The forests have taught me many things.

(Rewrite the sentence beginning with,” Many things.)

Many things have been taught to me by the forests.

A6. Vocabulary : (02)

Find out words from the extract which mean the following.

a) Anger = Resentment

b) A person who operates a farm = agriculturist.

c) On the outer edge of = on the fringes of

d) Fight/struggle = conflict

Activities prepared by


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  1. Excellent work done sir.
    I have a confusion in rhetorical question and Interrogative question.
    Could you please explain. What I understand is Rhetorical Questions has an answer that makes the reader think but none sure whether the answer is yes or no, rather a satirical one. Interrogative questions have clearly yes or no types answer. AM I right sir ?
