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Showing posts with label Unit 1.5 The New Dress Extract 03. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Unit 1.5 The New Dress Extract Number 03

 Unit 1.5 

Prose Section 

The New Dress Extract Number 03


Page No. 46/47 [Lines, “I Feel like…… with tears”]

Read the extract and do all the activities that follow.

A1. Web :                                       (02)

 Complete the web by writing down what Mable feel about herself.

(This is a practice Activity)

I feel like some dowdy, decrepit, horribly dingy old fly,” she said, making Robert Haydon stop just to hear her say that, just to reassure herself by furbishing up a poor weak-kneed phrase and so showing how detached she was, how witty, that she did not feel in the least out of anything. And, of course, Robert Haydon answered something, quite polite, quite insincere, which she saw through instantly, and said to herself, directly he went(again from some book), “Lies, lies, lies!” For a party makes things either much more real, or much less real, she thought; she saw in a flash to the bottom of Robert Haydon’s heart; she saw through everything. She saw the truth. This was true, this drawing-room, this self, and the other false. Miss Milan’s little workroom was really terribly hot, stuffy, sordid. It smelt of clothes and cabbage cooking; and yet, when Miss Milan put the glass in her hand, and she looked at herself with the dress on, finished, an extraordinary bliss shot through her heart. Suffused with light, she sprang into existence. Rid of cares and wrinkles, what she had dreamed of herself was there-beautiful woman. Just for a second (she had not dared look longer, Miss Milan wanted to know about the length of the skirt), there looked at her, framed in the scrolloping mahogany, a grey-white, mysteriously smiling, charming girl, the core of herself, the soul of herself; and it was not vanity only, not only self-love that made her think it good, tender, and true. Miss Milan said that the skirt could not well be longer; if anything the skirt, said Miss Milan, puckering her forehead, considering with all her wits about her, must be shorter; and she felt, suddenly, honestly, full of love for Miss Milan, much, much fonder of Miss Milan than of any one in the whole world, and could have cried for pity that she should be crawling on the floor with her mouth full of pins, and her face red and her eyes bulging-that one human being should be doing this for another, and she saw them all as human beings merely, and herself going off to her party, and Miss Milan pulling the cover over the canary’s cage, or letting him pick a hemp-seed from between her lips, and the thought of it, of this side of human nature and its patience and its endurance and its being content with such miserable, scanty, sordid, little pleasures filled her eyes with tears. 

A2. Describe :                           (02)

Describe Miss. Millan’s workroom as mentioned in the extract.

Milan’s little workroom was really terribly hot, stuffy, sordid. It smelt of clothes and cabbage cooking.

A3. Give reasons :                 (02)

Mabel’s eyes were filled with tears because …………………………………

She felt that what the other person was doing all this as one human being should be doing for another.  she saw them all as human beings merely, and herself going off to the party, and Miss Milan pulling the cover over the canary’s cage, or letting him pick a hemp-seed from between her lips, the human nature, patience and its endurance and its being content with such miserable, scanty, sordid, little pleasures filled Mabel’s eyes with tears. 

A4. Personal Response : (02) 

“When you feel beautiful, you are beautiful” Do you agree with this Notion. Justify your answer with suitable examples in fifty words.

(This is a Practice Activity for students.)

A5. Language study :            (02)

a) “ I feel like some dowdy, decrepit, horribly dingy old fly,’ she said. 

(Rewrite in Reported speech) 

She said that she felt like some dowdy, decrepit, horribly dingy old fly.

b) How detached she was ! (Make it Assertive) 

She was very/really detached.

C) She saw the truth.

 (Frame a wh question to get the underlined part as an answer) 

What did she see?

d) Miss. Millan’s little workroom was really terribly hot. 

 (Make it Exclamatory)

How terribly hot Miss. Millan’s little workroom!

A6. Vocabulary :                     (02)

*Find out examples of compound words from the extract. 

Weak-kneed, drawing-room, work-room, grey-white, self-love, hemp-seed etc. 

*Find out words from the extract which mean the following.

a) Renovate = furbishing

b) Spread with warmth, colour = suffused

c) Unpleasant = sordid 

d) Sticking out = bulging


Activities prepared and compiled by





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