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Showing posts with label Q.4( D) BLOG WRITING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Q.4( D) BLOG WRITING. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


For Q. No 4( D) Topic 1

What is a Blog?

A blog( weblog) is a website, online journal, platform. Each entry is called as Post.

Blog structure

Common features of blogs 
  • Header with the menu or Navigation bar
  • Main content area
  • Sidebar with profiles, popular posts or  favourite content
  • Footer with relevant links privacy policy, disclaimer, contact page etc.

Gasping for Oxygen

A. Gasping for Oxygen .......

Whew ! Just today I saw a most short-sighted and stupid act. I saw a number of people–seemed like the local municipal workers – hacking down some healthy green trees. 

Why did I not stop them ? I was travelling in a bus, that’s why !

As I was proceeding homewards, upset and depressed at this prime example of stupidity, 

I began to wonder. What would happen if there were no trees on earth ? An earth without trees?

Then I realised that this is merely a hypothetical question – if there were no trees, we would not be there ! But just to imagine it was scary. Many animals would become extinct. This would disturb the food chain. There would be no rain, and hence very little water. Half the world would perish and the other half would fight for those few lakes with water. Everybody would have to wear-masks, for there would be only carbon-dioxide and no oxygen. There would be only concrete structures everywhere, and people-those who still survived – would be at loggerheads with each other, for there would be lack of food, lack of water, lack of oxygen ...... And here we are, cutting trees left and right ? When will we learn – we need to plant lakhs of trees, not cut them ! What do you think ? We start another Chipko movement ?

2. Say no to tobacco

A.  Say no to tobacco.

Humans are supposed to be the most evolved creatures on this planet. True ? No, absolutely false ! If, after knowing the various harmful effects of tobacco, man still uses it, it does not speak well of his mental capabilities. Which other animal chews tobacco ? Which other animal uses’ gutka’ or paan masala’, or smokes cigarettes, cigars and ‘beedis’?

“It’s my life”, some may say. Yes, it is. But it affects the people around too. Tobacco use is one of the biggest public health hazards of recent times. Tobacco is one of the primary causes of cancer and heart attacks. People in the 1950s and 60s did not know about this, and hence they smoked. But not that we know it, and know that it can lead to a horrible and painful death, can’t we, the species with the most highly developed brains, stop its use ? Stop growing it altogether ? 

Can’t the governments ban its farming ?

The frightening bit is that many youngsters are getting addicted to tobacco. And once addicted, withdrawal is very difficult. So why not we all join hands and say no to tobacco ? ‘No’ to using it, and ‘No’ to growing it too.

3. Man V/s Nature


It’s pouring outside and the roads are again flooded. It reminds me of that unforgettable day 26 th July 2005, when Mumbai almost drowned. It seemed to be a battle of man versus nature; this time, man finally won. But will man always win ? When I watch TV or browse through the net, I begin to wonder about such things as ‘the end of the world’ and so on.

This ‘man versus nature’ conflict is the theme of Ernest Hemingway’s classic, ‘The Oldman and the Sea’, where the old man battles against a marlin. Today, we are willy-nilly challenging nature by our practices; global warning has already given us a warning of things to come. Maybe in a few years we will be battling for survival. By destroying mangroves, cutting down rainforests, building huge edifices indiscriminately, allowing the population to explode and using up the natural resources without a second thought, we are inviting trouble and nature is cruel, not kind.

To add to my woes, I have just seen a TV warning of a storm and danger of flooding in  far away New Orleans, I look out of my window and it is still pouring. Will we win our battle against nature ? But then, Why should we fight nature ? We should work hand-in-hand, not against each other ! But who can be more foolish than human beings ?

4. Child Labour - a curse to humanity

A. Child Labour - a curse to humanity

The words ‘Child Labour’ itself make me shudder. Childhood is a time to be enjoyed, to have fun and games; not to labour. But the unfortunate fact is that children in India, and in many other countries too, are made to do the worst forms of labour. In India, lakhs of poor children are forced to work, baking bricks, making fireworks, weaving carpets, rolling beedis, picking rags, working as domestic servants, waiters, etc. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Children are also sexually exploited or made to work as beggars. Things are worse now with terrorist camps apparently recruiting children for training.

While we condemn child labour, we also know the cause of this malady. It is due to poverty, natural disasters, family debts, and the like. Well then, what can we, as concerned citizens, do to prevent this ? In addition to talking and writing about it ? First of all, we can boycott those goods made by using child labour, high on this being fireworks. We can complain to authorities when we see a child being forced to work. We can report beggars; we can contribute or volunteer to work for NGOs.

However, the most sure-fire method of eradicating this problem is through education.

Education is the only single solution, and through education many of the ills bogging down our nation can be cured. So, those who see a child employed somewhere, please raise your voice. Child labour is certainly a curse to humanity.

Marking Scheme for ‘Blog Writing

Main Content (Mc) = 2 Mark

Header / Menu / Navigation Bar (HMN) = 1 Mark

Footer (F) = 1 Mark.

 Exercise for practice.

1) Write a blog in a proper format on ‘Unity in Diversity’in India, with the help of the following points.

(Write in about 100-150 words)

* Multiple languages, cultures, religions

* Variety in food, clothes, festivals.

* Social harmony among Indians

* National festivals and unity.

* Appeal for unity.

2) Prepare a blog in a proper format on ‘Save Trees, trees will save us’ with the help of the following 


(Write in about 100-150 words)

* Trees are the only saviours of mankind.

* Importance of trees in Human life.

* Appeal to plant trees / stop 


* Save trees, Save the world, save the environment.

* Add your own points.

3) Write a blog in a proper format on the topic “The status of women in Indian society’’ with the help of 

the following points.

(Write in about 100-150 words)

* Status of women in the past, offences against women, evil traditions etc.

* Equality - Education - Empowerment of women.

* Leading women in different fields.

* Present status of women-rights of women.

* The Present & Future belongs to women.

* Add your views.

4) Prepare a blog in a proper format on the topic, “Mother’s Day” with the help of the following points.

(Write in about 100-150 words)

* God cannot be everywhere, so he made ‘MOTHER’

* Mother’s contribution in my life.

* Mother : A multi-tasker, symbol of selfless & unconditional love.

* Respect parents, duty to look after them.

* Add your own points.

5) Write a blog in a proper format on “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” with the help of the following 


(Write in about 100-150 words)

* Keeping our environment clean and green is our responsibility.

* Green city / Village : Clean city / Village our motto.

* ‘Cleanliness campaign / Swachcha Bharat Abhiyaan etc. should be organised regularly.

* Cleanliness : A weapon to prevent epidemics, pandemics, diseases etc.

* Add your own points.

6) Prepare a blog in a proper format on “Corona Virus : Prevention is better than cure” to create health 

awareness in society with the help of the following points.

(Write in about 100-150 words)

* Inculcate good habits like washing hands, using sanitizers etc.

* Health care is the key.

* Statistical data about the pandemic disease.

* Need to fight collectively against this threat.

 Add your own points.

7) Write a blog in a proper format on ‘Plight of farmers in India’, with the help of the following points.

(Write in about 100-150 words)

* India is an agrarian country.

* Farmers are backbone of our society, culture.

* Plight of farmers & natural calamities, no prices for their crops / yield.

* Farmers suicide in Maharashtra and other states .

* Add your own points.

8) Prepare a blog in a proper format on the topic “Media : A double edged sword” with the help of the

following points.

(Write in about 100-150 words)

* Media : Social media like Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter are fastest means of


* Authentic Reliable information is senders responsibility.

* Can be effective if use it constructively for a cause / purpose.

* Add your own points.

9) Write a blog in a proper format on the topic, “India of my dreams” with the help of the following


(Write in about 100-150 words)

* India : developing country to developed country.

* Challenges before our nation.

* Development in all fields, growth.

* India : A superpower in coming years.

* Add your own points.

10) Prepare a blog in a proper format on “Health is wealth”, with the help of the following points.

(Write in about 100-150 words)

* One must keep himself / herself fit and healthy.

* Regular exercise, Yoga, Meditation, walking, running.

* Proper balanced diet is must.

* Healthy mind resides in Healthy body.

* Add your own points.

Activities Compiled by 



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