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Wednesday, March 31, 2021



AA          ABOUT  THE POEM/

PO       TITLE

  The poem,” Father Returning home,” is written  by Dilip Chitre 

This poem is taken from ,” Travelling in a Cage. Dilip  chitre  was a bilingual poet. This poem is a portrait of old Suburban commuter  (father) The poem depicts his 

dull, silent, Monotonous daily routine. It is a metaphor  for the

 father’s isolated and lonely life even though he is surrounded by




The setting is dusk in monsoon. The  Painful loneliness is a symbol Of man’s

isolation from the materialistic man-made world. The dull routine life of father is supported by his appearance, journey, approach of his children 

towards him. The plight of an aged man and his struggle at home and outside is painted beautifully .







The soggy clothes and mud-stained clothes symbolises his shabby 

Appearance. The language used by the poet is very simple . The use of Simile and imagery is very effective. The platform he crosses is grey, colour

 imagery For gloominess or dirty surroundings. The language is 

informal and simple to understand.





The poem is divided into two parts. In the first half, father’s pitiable 

routine life is picturised .His eagerness  to reach  home, his alienation, The struggle for survival, his physical condition, his shabby appearance Creates  a vivid picture  before  The readers. In the second half, a forced alienation is reflected through

 the stale food and lack of sharing.





The message conveyed through the poem is how elderly people are 

Neglected, ignored and not looked after by their near ones and dear 

ones. The poem is about a father who is misunderstood .He is isolated even in the crowd. The values are diminishing day by day. We should learn that 

all of us are going to be old with the passage of time.


              YOUR OPINION 


I feel sorry and sad for such children who neglected the sacrifices

Made by their parents or grandparents. It is the duty of each one of 

us To take care of them, the way they took care of us when we were





 Q.3 B) POETIC APPRECIATION:             (04 MARKS)

Unit 2.4 Have you earned your tomorrow?

a) About the poem /Poet and the title

This poem iswritten by the famous poet Edgar Guest. He was known as people's poet and writer. The title of the poem is self-explanatory.This is an inspirational poem.It is a thought provoking poem.


b)Theme/central idea 

The poet has urged people and reader to be thoughtful in day to day life.The poet has put forward few questions.It made us to think if we are kind, generous, unselfish, patient and compassionate or not. We should be considerate in our lives. We are so selfish and engrossed that we do not bother about others.

c)Poetic devices, language,


     The use of interrogation is prominent. Out of sixteen lines,poet has used interrogation in eleven lines. The language is very simple. There is alliteration and rhyme. The poem has four stanzas of four lines each. The first Stanza has four lines having fourteen syllables.The second.third and Fourth have fifteen syllables.

d) special features, tone and type.

e) Message, values,moral in the poem.

     The message is clear.ones life is meaningful only if it is useful for humanity at large. If you are are able to help others and kind enough probably you may earn your tomorrow. Instead of waiting for tomorrow,you can utilise each day as if there would be no tomorrow.

f) your opinion about the poem :

I like the poem because it is related to our day to day life.It has a message for all the readers. I like the last stanza of the poem very much..It is an uplifting poem.we can start implementing the message conveyed in this poem.


 Q .3( B) Poetic Appreciation:(04)


       1.About the poem/poet/title :

Sarojini naidu a celebrated poetess known as the Nightingale of India. Through her poem, “Indian weavers” she spun the magic .it consists of three stanzas, each containing four lines. The poetess talks about three different phases of human life with the time of the day and the dress woven.

      2.Theme :

The poetess has talked about 3 important stages in a human life, birth, marriage and death. She has the highlighted the importance of the weavers, their work as well what are their thoughts when they are at work. The poem consists of a discussion between the poet and the weaver.The poetess asks questions to the weaver and the weaver replies to her queries.

    3.3.Poetic Devices, language, style :

The poetess has used devices like Alliteration, metaphor, simile, imagery to create the scene in the reader’s mind. The rhyme scheme is a, a , b, b ,providing a pleasing rhythm to read aloud. The language comprises words used in a manner to create a beautiful and realistic picture. 

4.Sf4.Special features/Novelties/Focussing elements :

There is an emphasis on ,” Accept life with its joys and sorrows, dignity of labour and career opportunities in small scale industries. The other aspects are vivid description of the clothes, colour imagery and use of time element, with different kinds of feelings are beautifully depicted by the poetess.

       5. Values / message :

The poem gives a very important message about the importance of colours weaved by weavers in our life. The poem begins with life, joy, hope and ends with sorrow and grief teaches us that we have to accept the law of Nature.

       6. Your opinion about the poem :

The poem is very beautiful, metaphorically each time and the dress  woven in that time symbolises particular stage in life. It i also directly suggests the plights of Indian weavers and the dignity of hard labour should be maintained.




a) About the poem /Poet and the title

This poem is written by the famous American poet walt Whitman.He is called as “The father of free verses. This poem is taken from one of his famous book named ‘ Leaves of Grass” The title of the poem indicates that the poet sets up out of his world to venture.

b )Theme

The theme of the poem is freedom. The word ”free ”here means being able to do anything he/she wants to do. The poet wants to go out from restrictions and comforts.

  1. Poetic style

This poem is of four stanzas. The poet has used free verse. Each line is of different length. The poet himself is a narrator/speaker of this poem

d)Language /Poetic devices used in the poem

The poem is a dramatic monologue.There are many poetic devices but no metre or rhyme.

e)special features

The poet himself is a narrator/speaker in this poem.It is a dramatic monologue.It reflects poet’s own struggle in his journey of life.

F ) Message, Values, moral

In the poem

The moral of the poem is that along with the journey of life,one may face test of wisdom.The word,”road” symbolises mobility of progress.we must take road as a starting point of our life.we should move ahead without getting struck at a place.

g) your opinion about the poem :

This is an inspirational poem. It inspires us to explore the world by using our abilities. We should take our life positively without any complaints or regrets.