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Wednesday, May 19, 2021



‘Expansion of idea’ is a short composition. One is expected to take the idea embodied in a proverb, a maxim, a quotation, a saying, a slogan or an idiom and elaborate on it in the form of paragraphs.

Template for ‘Expansion of Idea’ :

1) Title - A suitable title is essential/

2) Introductory paragraph - (1st paragraph) : A suitable introduction should be given, through which the reader knows what you are going to write about. This paragraph may contain the topic sentence with a brief explanation.

Topic sentence : A sentence that expresses the main idea or central theme of the piece of writing.

3) Core content - (2nd paragraph) : The topic sentence / the central idea is explained in detail. You can

add relevant experiences, brief instances and anecdotes. There should be unity in the ideas and clarity of thought. Discourse markers may be used to maintain coherence and a logical link in the ideas.

Discourse Markers : Discourse Markers are words or phrases that play a role in managing the

flow and structure of oral or written communication. They link the narrative or conversation.

They also emphasise and explain what you are saying. Thus, they bring clarity to the communication, besides adding to its beauty.

Some examples of Discourse Markers : anyway, nevertheless, therefore, similarly, thus, by the

time, on the other hand, oh, well, now, you know, I mean etc.

4) Concluding paragraph - (3rd paragraph) : The whole composition is summed up concisely. Another proverb / saying with the same meaning as the one you are writing about may be used. For example, if the given sentence is ‘Birds of a feather flock together,’ you may end with a similar one

like ‘A man is known by the company he keeps’.

* Expand the idea inherent in the following proverbs :

Sample Activity:

1) A Bad workman blames his tools.

Sample Answer:

A. A bad workman blames his tools.

When a workman does not have required skills for a particular job, or does not use his skills in the

right way, he will not succeed. He then starts blaming his tools saying that the tools are faulty, hence he has failed. He fails to accept his shortcomings or take the responsibility for his failure. He tries to cover up his lack of skill by putting the blame on the tools at his disposal. This is applicable in all spheres of life. A person who is talented and good at his job will know how to use the opportunities at his disposal. Even if these opportunities are not very good, he makes the best use of them and succeeds. On the other hand, a person who is lazy, does not use the opportunities provided to him, however good they are, and then fails. It is rightly said by someone that a pessimist always find a difficulty in every opportunity whereas an Optimistic always find an opportunity in every difficulty. A bad workman conveniently finds

someone or something to blame for his failure. He does not want to admit that it is he himself who is at

fault. It does not matter what ‘tools’ we have, what matters is the way we use them; the use we make of

our opportunities. For doesn’t everyone know that a ‘bad dancer blames the floor’ ?

2) One should eat to live, not live to eat - Franklin.

A. One should eat to live, not live to eat.

Nothing is more important in life than good health. We cannot be really happy and contented without good health, and our health depend to a large extent on what we eat, and how much we eat. we must have a balanced diet as per our body requirements. Our purpose of eating should be to maintain our health, and not as an activity in itself. We must eat to nourish our bodies, not just for the enjoyment of our palate. People have the tendency to take meal full of plates and most of the time it is wasted. We must always remember that" Money is ours but the Resources belong to the society." We must not waste food. Millions of children die each day around the world due to lack of Food or Malnutrition. According to the statistics,45000 children die each day around the world due to starvation.

If we ‘live to eat’ we are being gluttons. We are eating not because we are hungry, but for some

other reason like boredom or depression, or plain greed. Too much of anything is bad’ while eating too, we must always eat in moderation. It is applicable everywhere as a pinch of salt is the key. Or we will slowly but surely become obese. This will lead to a multitude to health problems. We will be prey to a variety of diseases, and we cannot enjoy life if we are ill. Instead, if we eat just what is needed to live a healthy life, if we eat in moderation, if we eat to life,

we will remain healthy and wealthy. For, it is truly said ‘Health is wealth.’

3) If winter comes, can spring be far behind ? - Shelley.

A. If winter comes, can spring be far behind ?

This line is from P.B. Shelley’s famous poem ‘Ode to the West Wind,’ in which the poet depicts the terrible effect of the west wind in different spheres and seasons. As seasons are cyclical and they effuse.

It is extremely cold throughout the winter in many countries. Roads are blocked by snow,

temperatures go down freezing point, and it is difficult to even go out. Senior citizens, children and sick people suffer because of the intense cold. This goes on for some time. It can be related to good times and bad times. Every cloud has a silver lining. After the tunnel, there is fine day, the winter is over and it is spring. New leaves sprout, flowers begin to bloom, birds begin to chirp and the numbing cold vanishes. The gloomy days are over. It is bright and pleasant again. Similarly, in life, periods of sorrow, misery and despair have at last to come to an end. and happier days have to make their appearance. One should not be worried about the obstacles and must realise that the path of success is always full of thorns. The long night is followed by the bright day. Hence, we must always be optimistic and positive about our lives. we must have self-confidence and a positive attitude, and look forward to a better tomorrow. There is no need to get depressed or lose hope. For, if winter comes, can spring be far behind ?

4) Beauty is truth, truth is beauty - John Keats

A. Beauty is truth, truth is beauty

Through this statement, the poet Keats explains his ideals of beauty and truth. In his eyes, real beauty lies in things that are true. Anything that is not true, that is , anything that is false, is not beautiful. Beauty lies in the beholders eyes. The poet means to tell us that if we are true to our work, honest and sincere in what we are doing, it will turn out to be beautiful. Whereas, if we are false or dishonest, if we are corrupt, the outcome of our work or life will never be beautiful. It may be successful or beautiful superficially and temporarily, but in the long run one will see the true colours. Mythology has always shown us that all that is true is successful in the end. Hence, you must always be truthful in your life, and honest and sincere in your work. This will make people respect you, trust you and love you. What could be more beautiful than that ? Besides,

haven’t we always seen that honesty is the best policy ?Let the truth prevail. Let there be light. Let the darkness of ignorance be dispelled with light.

5) Fool rush in where angels fear to tread - Alexander Pope.

A. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread

The line ‘Fools rush in where angels fear to tread’ by Alexander Pope refers to foolish and inexperienced people trying to do things that cleverer and more experienced people refrain from doing. Here, where he talks of ‘angels’ it means intelligent, experienced people. Experience is the best teacher, but a wise man always learn from the mistakes of others. He may not wait for the unsuccessful experience.

A person, before doing or saying anything, should look around him to see if anyone has done it before, and what the consequences have been. He should weigh the pros and cons. Only when he is very sure that what he is doing or saying will be successful, should be proceed. For example. if someone new to the business tries to open a bakery in an area where others more experienced then him have failed. he too will most probably fail. He should survey and do some research before attempting such a thing. He should learn from the experiences of others. Life is too short to make all the mistakes ourselves.

Hence, a person shoulder ‘look before he leaps’. He should first analyse the merits and demerits of what he is doing, and then decide to do it or not. Only then will be succeed.


Expand the idea inherent in the following proverbs quotations :

1. Rom was not built in a day.

2. Old is Gold.

3. Cut your coat according to your cloth.

4. Time and tide wait for no man.

5. Every dark cloud has a silver lining.

6. Empty vessels make more noise.

7. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

8. All work and no play makes, jack a dull boy.

9. Rolling stone gathers no moss.

10. Nothing succeeds like success.

11. Health is wealth.

12. Ask not what your country has done for you,

Ask yourself what you have done for your country.

13. Practice makes man perfect.

14. A stich in time saves Nine.

15. Necessity is the mother of invention.

16. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

17. Charity begins at home.

18. Handsome is as handsome does.

19. ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever.’ - John Keats.

20. ‘The world has enough for every man’s need, but not for every man’s greed’. - Mahatma Gandhi.


A ‘compere’ (also called ‘The Master of Ceremonies’, MC/emcee, or an anchor) is a person whose job is to introduce performers in a television, radio or stage show. A compere introduces the programme and the participants; he / she is the mediator, announcer and coordinator of the events in a programme. A compere is also the formal host and felicitator of an event.

Role of a compere :
The compere is the formal host and felicitator of an event.

1.He / she is the mediator, announcer and coordinator of the events in a programme.
The compere has to stimulate an interest in the crowd and give them an idea about the programme ahead.

2.He / she has to glorify the performance of all the performers with his / her appropriate, positive comments and appreciation.

3.He / She has to ensure enthusiasm among the viewers with active response in the form of an applause or interaction.

4.He / She has to make sure that there are smooth transitions between different segments of the programme.

5.He / She should control the timing of the proceedings, and be assertive where necessary.

6.He / She should have the ability to deal / work with the technicians, event organisers, guest speakers etc.Should there be any hiccups, the compere still has to ensure the smooth movement of the programme.

7.He / She has to master the skill of coordinating and stringing / weaving the whole event in one artistic thread maintaining continuity.

8.Finally, the compere must never forget that the most important thing is to keep the audience engaged. The compere can use ‘fillers’ for this purpose. ‘Fillers’ are small performances / enactments such as jokes, anecdotes, mimicry items, riddles, fun-facts etc. to fill in the gap between two performances, or if there is a delay or disturbance in a performance for some reason. These fillers should be kept ready beforehand the same way the script is kept ready. This will ensure continuity in the programme, besides keeping the audience happy.

Preparation to be made before you compere a programme :

1)Understand the complete programme from the organizers - the type of programme (music, dance, award etc.) the time duration, what are the exact events etc.

2)Be clear about your role , and what you are supposed to do. Is it to merely introduce the guests ? Or do you have to give a welcome speech ? Who gives the vote of thanks ? Who will present the bouquet ? If there is prize distribution, who will award the prizes ? Clarify this with the organizers in detail. Every step must be clear.

3)Find out the details of the audience
you are going to address. Is it a young audience or senior citizens ? Is audience participation expected ? You have to accordingly modulate your speech, voice, clothes and behaviour.

4)Find out the correct pronunciation of the name
you are going to announce. Never get the names of people wrong; especially those of guests. Find out their professions and qualifications, and introduce them correctly. Clarify this with the organizers, or with the guests themselves if possibles.

5)Write down the entire script after discussing with the organizers. Cross-check to see if there are any mistakes. Use words and language you are comfortable with, and which your audience is comfortable with. Do not try to impress by using big words. Type or write your script leaving a lot of margin and lots of space in between for comments and notes. You should be able to understand at a glance what you have written or typed.

6)Collect extra information about the guests or audience that will help you in your Compering. For example, if the Chief Guest is a scientist, look up the net for more information about him. You may not use it, but it will help you understand the person better, and improve your compering.

7)Keep fillers, jokes etc. ready for times when there are gaps in the programme, like someone is late or the programme is delayed. Make arrangement for some music too, in case the gaps are very long.

8)Keep a pleasant face and maintain eye contact
with the audience. Be lively and enthusiastic. Dress appropriately for the event. Keep a calm mind at all times. Breathe deeply if you feel that you are getting jittery. Do not forget to introduce yourself.

9)Coordinate with the technicians, guest speakers, other speakers, etc. For example, if someone else is to give the vote of thanks, you will have to invite the person at the correct moment.

10)Practise, practise, practise.  Road from your script and practise before the event, either in front of your family / friends or in front of a mirror. If possible, in the beginning, tape your practice readings so that you can judge for yourself. Finally, try to practise your compering on stage at the actual venue a day before the event.

Areas or sectors in which a compere is a must :

A compere is needed for award functions, cultural functions, college annual days, freshers’ parties, formal functions, exhibitions, weddings, events in the hospitality sector, TV programmes, radio programmes, parties etc.

Special skills needed to take up compering as a career
*Good communication skills
language fluency and clarity of thoughts.A simple but dignified style with words that comes from the heart; a good sense of humour, must be able to hold the attention of the audience.

Confidence - about one’s knowledge, language, apperance etc. about one’s capability in handling the audience and keeping them interested and happy.
Good empathy and understanding of audience behaviour and needs, the audience is the key.
Good general knowledge of what is happening in the world around.
Appropriate body  language and good sense of dressing.
Ability to exhibit spontaneity, originality and genuineness; should also be assertive.
Ability to ensure smooth movement of the programme; presence of mind; must be alert.
Ability to deal / work with the technicians, event organisers, guest speakers, etc. Must have diplomacy and tact for this.

How to acquire these skills:

A)Obtain a Bachelor’s degree, preferably in journalism / mass communications / mass media, etc. : Needs of the industry keep changing. Find out from the internet about the requirements to become a TV / radio compere, or anything that you are interested in, at that particular point in time.

B)Participate in school / college programmes to gain experience : The first real experience many students get is through school / college programmes. Participate in debates, elocution competitions, college festivals etc. This can help you develop confidence and clarity of speech.

C)Opt for internships to gain field experience : Internships during college vacations can be extremely beneficial; even if the stipend is less and the work is more, it will help. Many newspapers and TV channels hire students during vacations. These internships help you to learn and understand how the mass media functions before pursuing a full-time career. While working in these internships, students can also acquire and maintain work contacts for future use.

D)Work in the field : If you do not get the event / job of your choice initially, start with small events or small TV channels. You will get the experience and confidence so essential to the job and also build up a good CV.

E)Build up your health, stamina and general knowledge : Compering requires a lot of stamina and hard work. You cannot afford to fall sick at the last moment or reveal your tiredness on stage. Hence it is essential that you take care of your health and are fit and fine. In addition to this, you must learn the art of looking good and dressing well. Read a lot and keep abreast of the developments in the world.

G)Watch other comperes : Watch other comperes, and learn from their experiences. If you are a part of the audience at some programme, find out how the audience reacts to that particular compere and why. Learn from the mistakes of others.

Qualities of a compere for a cultural event :
Good communication skills.
Knowledge of the subject.
Proper attire.
Understanding of the nature and tone of the event
Understanding of the audience, and keeping them interested and responsive.
Appropriate body language.
Ability to ensure smooth movement of the programme even when there are hurdles.
Should have spontaneity, originality and genuineness.


1) Imagine that you are a compere of a ‘Prize Distribution Ceremony’ of your college. Write a script for the same. You can take the help of the following points. 

1)Introduction - A brief introduction of the programme / function / show.

2)Welcome speech - Welcome of all the guests, felicitation of the guests 
(Principal, vice-principal etc.

3)Lighting the lamp

4)Welcome song

5) Main events

6) Vote of thanks.

Sample Answer:
Introduction - Good evening to all present here today on this special occasion. Today is the day we acknowledge and appreciate the hard work and effort put in by so many of our students through the year. Yes, today is the long-awaited ‘Prize Distribution Ceremony’, the day when we decorate with awards prizes and medals all those students who have performed par excellence in different fields, shining in academics and sports or even in arts.

Welcome speech : On behalf of the Principal, teachers and students of our college, I take pleasure in welcoming our Chief Guests, Mr. Siddharth Nayak and Ms. Urmila Nayak Welcome Sir, Ma’am. I also warmly welcome all the parents, who have been the backbone of their children’s success; without their efforts, we would never have achieved all that we did during the year. Welcome to one and all, once again.

Lighting the lamp : Let us begin this wonderful programme in the traditional Indian way. For this, I request all the honourable members on the dais to kindly light the traditional lamp and offer prayers. Sir, Ma’am, please.

Welcome song : Thank you, I request our guests to please take their seats in the auditorium and enjoy the cultural programme.
We begin the cultural events for the day with a heartfelt and cheerful welcome song. I invite on stage our star singers, Shilpa, Varsha, Mihir and Yogesh. For musical accompaniment, we have Sumeet on the guitar and Raunak playing the table. 

Main events :
A big round of applause, please, for our singers and musicians. Thank you. The next item on our programme is a light one-act play presented by students of Std. XII. I request the audience to maintain complete silence so as not to miss the surprise ending .......
That was indeed a surprise ending ! I can see that you have enjoyed this offering by our students. Well, now we go on to the most eagerly awaited part of the programme - the prize distribution. May I request our Chief Guests and the Principal of our college to please step onstage and hand over the prizes to the winners .... Thank you, Sir, Ma’am.
I now request our Chief Guest to address the audience.
Thank you, Sir. Your speech has indeed given us wonderful insights on the various aspects and responsibilities of social networking. We are immensely grateful to you for your invaluable words of enlightenment and advice.
We proceed to the next part of the programme. India, as we all know, is a country that has many diverse ways and customs. And where is this more obvious than in the dances of the different states ? Yes, we now present  a quartet of dances from the east, west, north and south of India. Let us see 
how it ends ! Please give a big hand to welcome the students of Std. XII, presenting the dances.
That was indeed a wonderful performance ! Thank you, audience, for your appreciative response.

Vote of thanks : Before we conclude this programme I take the opportunity to thank all those who have lent a helping hand to make this Prize Distribution Ceremony a grand success. For the formal vote of thanks I invite our Cultural Secretary, Ms. Seema Pai. I take my leave of you with a big ‘Thank you’. You have indeed been a wonderful audience ! Thank you once again.


Q. Imagine you are a compare of a ‘Annual day programme’ of your college. Write / prepare a script for the same. You can take help of the following points.
Introduction :

1)A brief introduction of the programme / function / show.

2)Welcome address : Welcome of all the guests / dignitaries / felicitation of the guests (Principal, Vice Principal etc.)

3)Lighting the lamp
4)Welcome song
5)Main cultural events.
6)Vote of thanks

Sample Answer:

Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Supervisor, Teachers and all my dear friends, I, Rahul Singh, cultural Secretary your host for today’s event welcome one and all on this special occasion. Today is the long-awaited mega event called ‘TARANG’ of our college. This is the platform where we can exhibit our talent and potential. On behalf of the college Management, Principal, I take pleasure in welcoming our Chief Guests for todays function. Mr. Prakash Amte and Mrs. Sindhutai Sakpal. The renowned social workers from Maharashtra. I also warmly welcome all the parents, distinguished guests gathered over here. welcome to and all once again.
As per our tradition, we always begin our programme by soliciting the blessings of the almighty in the traditional Indian way. For this, I request all the honourable members on the dais and off the dais to light the traditional lamp and offer prayers ‘Let the darkness of ignorance be dispelled and let there be light everywhere'.
Thank you all the dignitaries, I request all our guests to take their seats in the auditorium and enjoy our cultural treat. We begin our cultural event with a welcome song, I invite on stage our star singers, Miss. Shraddha Sawant, Sachin Patil, Atul Parab, Ameeta Sinha for musical accompaniment, we have Sumeet Deshpande on the Tabla and Raunak Sharma on the casio.
A big round of applause for our singers and musicians. Thank you, The next item on our programme is a group dance. May I invite our dance group from XII G Division to perform folk dance. I request the audience to maintain silence and enjoy the performance.
That was indeed a breath-taking performance!. Give a big round of applause for all the artists. We have a surprise package for you dear friends our commerce students now going to perform a skit on the topic “Save Girl child” to create an awareness I hope you will surely like this skit as it has a social message for all of us it was indeed a fabulous performance!. It is an eye-opener for all of us, isn’t it ?
I now request our Chief Guests to felicitate the student of the year award. The student of the year 
award for this year goes to Miss Nikita Hiwalkar from FYJC division H. A big round of applause I request our guest to address the audience. Thank you Sir, Your speech has indeed given us wonderful insights and responsibilities of social networking. We are highly indebted to you for giving us your valuable time.
Before we conclude this programme, I take the opportunity to Thank our Management, Principal, Vice Principal, Supervisor, Teacher and all the Volunteers who have lent helping hands to make this event a grand one. You have indeed been a wonderful audience. Thank you one and all once again. Good night ! Shubh Ratri ! Take care.


1.Imagine that you are a compere of ‘Independence Day Celebration’ of your college. Write / prepare a script for the same. You can take help of the following points.

a) Introduction : Importance of Independence day.

b)Welcome / Guest of honour, Principal, Vice Principal.
Flag hoisting ceremony - national anthem - parade, guard of honour.
c)Address of the Chief Guest.
d)Cultural programme, patriotic songs.
e)Vote of Thanks.

2.Imagine you are going to compere a programme on ‘Teacher’s day celebration’ in your college. Prepare a script in about 100-150 words for the same. You can take help of the following points.
a) Introduction - A brief introduction of the programme.
Welcome speech - Welcome of all the teachers, guests for the function.
b)Lighting the lamp.
c)Teacher’s Day - Importance and role of teachers / Gurus in our life.
d)Main event - Performance by the student in the honour of teachers.
e)Vote of thanks.

3.Imagine you are going to compare for the ‘Orientation Programme / Induction Programme’ for Freshers (F.Y.J.C. Students) Prepare a script in about 100-150 words for the same. You can take help of the following points.

1)Introduction - A brief introduction of the programme.
2)Welcome speech - Welcome address by the Principal, 3)felicitation of the guests. 
4)Speeches by dignitaries / ex-students of college / Alumni of the college / institution.
5)Vote of Thanks.

4.Imagine that you are compere of “Republic Day Celebration” of your college write / Prepare a script in 100-150 words for the programme.
You can make use of the following points.

1)Introduction : Importance of Republic Day.
2)Welcome / Guest of honour, Principal, Vice Principal, Supervisor, Dignitaries etc.
3)Flag hoisting ceremony, national anthem, parade ground of honour.
4)Address / Speech of Chief Guest
Patriotic songs, cultural programme / NCC students show   5)Vote of thanks.

5.Imagine you are going to compere for the “Prize distribution function” of the final match of a Inter collegiate cricket tournament organised in your college. Prepare a script for the same. You can take help of the following points :

1.Introduction : A brief history of the Inter-collegiate cricket tournament.
2.Welcome of all the guests, cricket teams, players, spectators etc.
3.Announcement of Runner up team and its captain / felicitation of the team.
4.Man of the match award / felicitation of the player.
5.Announcement of winning team, felicitation of the team / Trophies and medals.
6.Few words by the winning captain.
7.Vote of thanks etc.