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Showing posts with label Unit 1.1 An Astrologer''s Day 6. Show all posts

Monday, June 15, 2020

An Astrologer''s Day 6

Prose section

Extract No. 06 Activities with expected answers
Page no 6 /7 
 [ Lines,” why  should………..on the pyol”]
Read the first activity, read the extract and do all the activities that follows:
A1. True or False :                   (02)
State whether the following statements are True or false.
i) The astrologer ran away from his home because he made an attempt to kill a man(T)
ii) The astrologer’s wife was well aware of the fact that her husband had tried to kill a man.(F)
iii) The astrologer was relived from the burden on his head.(T)
iv) The man whom the astrologer tried to kill was dead in reality.(F)

“Why should I leave home again?” the other said reflectively. “I was only going away now and then To look  for him and to choke out his life if I met him.” He shook his head regretfully. “He has escaped  my hands. I hope at least he died as he deserved.”  Yes,” said the astrologer. “He was crushed under a lorry.”  The other looked gratified to hear it. 
The place was deserted by the time the astrologer picked up his articles and put them into his bag. The green shaft was also gone, leaving the place in darkness and silence. The stranger had gone off into the night, after giving the astrologer a handful of coins.
It was nearly midnight when the astrologer reached home. His wife was waiting for him at the door and demanded an explanation. He flung the coins at her and said, “Count them. One man gave all that.”
        “Twelve and a half annas,” she said, counting. She was overjoyed. “I can buy some jaggery and coconut tomorrow. The child has been asking for sweets for so many days now. I will prepare some nice stuff for her”
The swine has cheated me! He promised me a rupee,” said the astrologer. She looked up at him. “You  look worried. What is wrong?
After dinner, sitting on the pyol, he told her, “Do you know a great load is gone from me today? I Thought I had the blood of a man on my hands all these years. That was the reason why I ran away From home, settled here and married you. He is alive.”
She gasped, “You tried to kill!”
“Yes, in our village, when I was a silly youngster. We drank, gambled and quarrelled badly one day—Why think of it now? Time to sleep,” he said, yawning, and stretched himself on the pyol.

A2. Give reasons :                     (02)
The astrologer’s wife was very happy that night because ……………….
The astrologer came home with twelve and half annas. With the help of this money, she can buy Some jaggery and Coconut. She is overjoyed with the feeling that she can prepare some nice stuff  like Sweets  for their girl child at home.

A3. Find out :                     (02)
Describe the load on the astrologer’s mind.
When the astrologer was a youngster he was very silly. He used to drink, gamble and quarrel 
One day, in a fit of anger, he tried to kill a man.He thought that the man must have died, but after Few days, he met the same man. He was under burden of killing a man but as he saw the man  alive his load vanished.

A4. Personal Response :.   (02)
 The astrologer had tried to kill the man intentionally or it might have happened due to anger, addiction, stress or frustration? Justify your answer in Fifty words.

A5. Language study :           (02)

i)Why should I leave home again ?
 ( Make it Assertive)
I should not leave home again.

ii) Identify the tenses and match the column.
Match the column,” A” (sentences) with column”( Tenses)
            A B
i) His wife was waiting for him. a) Present perfect continuous 
ii) He has escaped my hands b) Past continuous
iii) The child has been asking for sweets. c) Present perfect
iv) I hope at least he died as he deserved d) Simple past
Ans. i) - b),  ii) - c),  iii) - a),  iv) - d)

iii) I can buy some jaggery and coconut tomorrow.
(Replace the auxiliary by another showing, “Certainty”)

I will buy some jaggery and coconut tomorrow.

A6. Vocabulary :                          (02)
Find out words from the extract which mean the following.
a) Pleased or satisfied = gratified,                   
b) empty  = deserted
c) To bet money on playing cards  = Gambled         
d) to have difficulty in breathing  = gasped

Activities prepared by



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