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Showing posts with label GRAMMAR 08 CHANGE THE DEGREE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GRAMMAR 08 CHANGE THE DEGREE. Show all posts

Thursday, April 22, 2021



Regular Verbs :-

Positive Comparative                       Superlative

tall taller tallest

small smaller smallest

big bigger biggest 

Irregular Verbs :-

Positive Comparative Superlative

Good Better Best

Bad Worse Worst


Remember :-

1. In positive degree, use ‘No other’ ( If "One of the words" are not there/given)

In positive degree, use ‘very few’ /‘few other’ ( If " one of the words" are there/given)

2. In comparative degree, use ‘any other’.( If " one of the words" are not there/given.)

Use ‘many other’ / ‘most other

( If "One of the words" are there/given)

Superlative degree can be changed into positive degree as well as comparative degree.

Comparative degree can be changed into positive degree & vice versa.

E.g. : 1) C.D. : Sanjana is taller than Natasha.

P.D. : Natasha is not as tall as Sanjana


2) C.D. : Mother is more than the Earth.

P.D. : Earth is not as much as mother. (so)


1. Temperature is one of the most important physical factors. (Mar. 1996)

2. Education is the most crucial issue. (Oct. 1996)

3. Mother is more than the earth. (Oct. 1998)

4. His products are cheaper than somebody else's products. (Feb. 2003)

5. These little worms are the farmer's best friends. (Feb. 2004)

6. Ruchira was the best pupil. (Oct. 2004)

7. The food is one of the most essential factors in building and maintaining health. (Feb. 2005)

8. A foolish friend can be more dangerous than a wise enemy. (Oct. 2005)

9. Everest is one of the highest peaks in India. (Oct. 2006)

10. These can withstand very low temperatures better than an adult animal or plant. (Feb. 2007)

11. This is the greatest moment. (Feb. 2007)

12. The rhea is smaller than the ostrich. (Feb. 2007)

13. It is the biggest review of planet’s life support system. (Feb. 2008)

14. It’s the hottest drug in teentown.

(Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘No other .....’) (Oct.2009-A)

15. It was the most difficult situation. (Change it into comparative degree) (Feb.2010-B)

16. The Ganges is one of the longest rivers in India.

(Change it into comparative degree) (Feb.2011-A)

17. It is the most meaningful aspect of his existence.

(Change it into a comparative degree) (Oct.2011-D)

18. Pixar is now the world’s most successful animation studio.

(Change the degree) (Feb.2012-C)

19. Our young people spend more time before their T.V. set than in their classrooms.

(Rewrite it using positive degree) (Feb.2014)

20. The duck was better, than his instructor.

(Change the sentence into ‘Positive degree’) (Feb. 2015)

21. The duck was better in swimming than his instructor.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’) (Oct. 2015-A)

22. The floods of 1978 were the most destructive.

(Change the sentence into ‘Positive degree’) (Feb. 2016)

23. Tokyo is the world’s most populous city.

(Change the degree) (Feb. 2020-A)


1. Bangalore is cooler than Pune.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

2. Marathi is easier than English.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

3. Mumbai is not as cool as Delhi in December.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

4. The fats are lighter than milk.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’) 5. The ant is more intelligent than the bee.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

6. Prevention is better than cure.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

7. The pen is mightier than the sword.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

8. Shakuntala is the best drama in Sanskrit.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

9. Mount Everest is the highest peak of the Himalayas.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

10. Delhi is the biggest city in the world I have visited.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

11. He thought that he was the greatest logician in the world.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

12. Sarojini Naidu was one of the greatest women of India.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

13. Very few girls are so industrious as Hemlata.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’).

14. One of the most extraordinary works of excavation at Hampi is the pushkarini. (Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

15. May and June is the best time for a visit to Gangotri.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

16. Lead is the heaviest metal.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

17. Seema is the most charming girl in the college.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

18. Rose is the prettiest flower in the world.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

19. This is the worst drawing.

(Change it into ‘Positive degree’)

20. Sachin Tendulkar is the best batsman in the Indian Cricket Team. (Change it into ‘Positive degree’)


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