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Thursday, December 5, 2019

American Language program somaiya workshop

The somaiya vidya vihar under the American Language program for English teachers have organised a one day workshop for English language teachers of somaiya campus on 4 th December at K J SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND COMMERCE.
The eminent speaker Nich Reiusch conducted this workshop.
Various teaching methods,  strategies 
Techniques were discussed.He emphasised the need to start with warm up sessions,Ice breakers brain storming sessions with the help of Think,pair and share techniques.
Some of the interesting activities are 2 Truth 1 lie where he has written 3 sentences in which two were Truths and one was lie Secondly he has asked to read the sentences and ask about its peculiarity especially about the tense( All sentences were in simple past tense) He expected the same from group of students inside the class.
One more interesting activity was interrogation where He has written 3 sentences on the board about himself and instructed the students to interrogate him with different questions 
Eg.I went to singapore in 2017
Probabale Questions the students would frame
1) why did you go to singapore?
2) Where did you stay in Singa
3) which places did you visit in singapore?
It was a fruitful session for language teachers.Sharing the book called The monster book for your reference