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Saturday, June 13, 2020

An Astrologer's Day 5

Prose section Unit 1.1

An Astrologer's Day

Extract No 05

Activities with Expected answers

Page no.  5/6 [ Lines, “The other……… be hundred”]

Read the first activity, read the extract and do all the activities that follow:

A1.True or False : (02)

Read the following sentences and find out True and False sentences. Correct the  false Sentences.

a) The astrologer gave a correct prediction of the client about his name, his past like he Was stabbed and thrown into a well. (T)

b) The passer-by noticed that someone is there deep into the well.(T)

c) The astrologer advised Guru Nayak to go in search of the man who had tried to kill him (F) CORRECT SENTENCE - The astrologer advised Guru Nayak to go home.

d) The astrologer told Guru Nayak that the man whom he was searching died four months 

           ago. (T)

The other thrust his palm in his face and said,” challenge is challenge, Go on,” The astrologer Proceeded  with his throat drying up.” There is a woman……..’

          “Stop,” said the other,” I don’t want all that. Shall I succeed in my present search or not ? Answer this and go, otherwise I will not let you go till you disgorge all your coins.’ The astrologer muttered a few incantations and replied,” All right, I will speak but will you give me a rupee if  What I say is convincing? Otherwise I will not open my mouth, and you may do what you like,’ After a good deal of haggling, the other agreed. The astrologer said,” You were left for dead, Am I right?”

“ Ah, tell me more.”

“A knife has passed through you once?” said the astrologer.

“Good fellow!” He bared his chest to show the scar. “what else?”

“ And then you were pushed into a well nearby in the field. You were left for dead.’

“ I should have been dead if some passer-by had not chanced to peep into the well,’ Exclaimed the other,  over-whelmed by enthusiasm.

“ When shall I get at him?” he asked, clenching his fist.

“In the next world,” answered the Astrologer,” He died four months ago in a far-off town. You will never see any more of him,” The other groaned on hearing it the astrologer proceeded.

“ Guru Nayak-”

“You know my name!” the other said, taken ‘aback.

“As I know all other things. Guru Nayak, listen carefully to what I have to say. Your village is two Days’ journey due North of this town. Take next train and be gone. I see once again great danger To your life if you go from home, “He took out a pinch of sacred ash and held it to him,” Rub It on your forehead and go home. Never travel southward again, and you will live to be Hundred.”

A2.Find out: (02)

Find out the expressions from the extract that shows how the astrologer persuaded Guru Nayak not to search the man who had tried to kill him.

I) “ In the next world,” he answered

II) He died four months ago in far – off town

III) You will never see any more of him.

IV) Take the next train and be gone.

V) I see once again great danger to your life if you go from home.

VI) Never travel southward again.

A3.Give Reasons : (02)

Guru Nayak was taken aback by the Astrologer ……………………….

The astrologer told Guru Nayak all about his past life including his name, how a knife has Passed through him once. He also revealed how he was pushed into a well nearby in the Field. When Guru Nayak asked him about the culprit he told that he passed away four Months ago in a far-off town. On hearing all this Guru Nayak was taken aback.

A4.Personal Response : (02)

If you have to eradicate the superstitions and other ill practices from our society, write down the Steps you would like to suggest in Fifty words.

A5. Language study: (02)

i) I will not let you go till you disgorge all your coins.

(Make it less definite)

I may/might let you go till you disgorge all your coins.

ii) You may do what you like.

(Replace the modal auxiliary by another showing,” Advice/Suggestion”)

You should do what you like.

iii) “When shall I get at him?” he asked.

(Rewrite in Indirect speech)

He asked/inquired when he would get at him.

iv) You will never see any more of him.

(Replace the modal auxiliary by another Showing “ability”)

You can never see any more of him.

v) Never travel southward again.

(Make it affirmative)

Refrain from travelling southward again.

A6. Vocabulary : (02)

Match the columns “A’ with their meanings in Column “B”

A) Haggling i) to look into

B) Groaned ii) astonished

C) Over-whelmed iii) arguing

D) To peep into iv) unpleasant/sad sound

Ans. A) - iii),  B) - iv),   c) - ii),   d) - i) 

Activities prepared by



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